4 Techniques to Enhance Your Running Performance

PLUS: The Marathon Legend, The Mysterious parcel I got, Running Shoes I am Testing Now & Road Sub 1h20 update!

Quote of the week: “I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.” — Ronald Rook

Goodmorning awesome Runner! ☕️

Welcome to the The Running Week!

In today’s email:

  1. 4 Techniques to Enhance Your Running Performance.

  2. Michael Stefanon aka the Marathon Legend.

  3. The Mystery Package I got 👀

  4. Running Shoes I am Testing Now.

  5. Road to Sub 1h20 Update.

Let's dive right in!

4 Techniques to Enhance Your Running Performance.

Running is an awesome way to get your heart pumping and incorporate some cardio into your daily routine. Some people prefer to do it early in the morning before going to work because it allows them to optimize their energy to its maximum during the day.

On the flip side, there are those who prefer to lace up their running shoes after work. It's a chance to unwind, leave behind any daily stresses, and just focus on their run.

Whether you're a morning person or a night owl, the choice is yours!

The thing is, no matter when you choose to run, there are a few techniques that can take your performance to the next level!

1. Be Relaxed

One of the most essential elements of the running experience is relaxation.

It is extremely important to do something relaxing for both your mind and your body before going for a run because this way you can fully experience running with extra dopamine levels released (Here you can find an interesting article about this topic)

As a result, a feeling of reward is activated which can motivate you for the running session ahead.

2. Nutrition and Hydration

It is recommended that you eat a light meal or snack before your run, such as a banana, oatmeal, or whole-grain toast.

These are easily digestible carbohydrates which is why they are recommended, while high-fat meals are highly discouraged because they simply cause discomfort during the run.

Similarly, and just as importantly, it is vital to hydrate your body properly before going for a run but also during your run, especially on longer runs or in hot weather!

During the summer to stay hydrated I use to take Precision & Fuel's electrolytes, they are so good and tasty. (Not ad, not affiliate link)

These electrolytes are my favorite for staying hydrated during the hottest days. :)

3. Plan Your Route in Advance

It is equally important to all the other techniques that you prepare yourself mentally before you go for a run, particularly a longer one.

You should talk to and motivate yourself in the best way possible as it will help you more easily accomplish the goal route that you might have for that day.

This will consequently affect the thought process that you will have while running since during this period it’s going to be you and your thoughts!

4. Hill Sprints

Running is not just about endurance training: your body also requires strength!

To improve your hill sprints, run uphill for about 150 m at 90-95% of your maximum effort. Repeat this drill five to ten times.

Make sure to take long, powerful strides and engage your core. Rest on the walk or jog down the hill.

Tips to make a complete cardio and strength workout, add Hill Sprints after your long-run!

Michael Stefanon aka The Marathon Legend.

Do you know the story of Michael Stefanon aka The Marathon legend?

A photographer in Washington D.C. captured a wonderful moment between two runners during a competitive run…

The man in yellow, Ryan Gregg, a 32-year-old father from Michigan was just 200 metres of the finish line when he started to struggle and lose consciousness.

Michael Stefanon, the man holding up Ryan, spotted the man having difficulties and helped carry him over the line.

Michael Stefanon, the man holding up Ryan.

“The closer I got to him, the worse his condition appeared…” Stefanon, 44, told Runner’s World. “He began to flail backwards. That’s when I knew he needed my help.”

"The last few things I remember were stumbling side to side ... and someone grabbing me from behind and stopping me from falling flat on my back," Gregg explained. "They told me something about how I was going to finish and kept pushing me forward."

Stefanon stabilized Gregg and told him, "We are going to do this together.” With the help of two race staffers, both the runners covered the remaining 15 yards to the finish line.

Rakoff, who took the photograph, told The Huffington Post that for him, the image capture more than just a single moment. "The important point of the story is that we dont have to do much. It doesnt take much to help someone else. But that help means a lot, and the ability to lend a hand in a split second is a gift for everyone involved," he said.

Thanks to Stefanon for this beautiful gesture, this is why I love the running world! ❤️

The mystery package I got 👀

A few days ago I got this parcel directly to my doorstep…

As you can see this parcel clearly come from China but what will be inside?!

Spoiler: It contains The Most Expensive Running shoes! I'm testing these shoes during these days and I'll tell you more about them in the next newsletter! So be sure to keep reading my next newsletters! 😉

Maybe I'll post a couple of photos of this expensive shoes on my Strava profile, be sure to follow me on Strava by clicking here!

Running shoes I am testing now.

Right now i’m testing 2 pair of shoes: Topo Cyclone 2 and The Most Expensive Shoes.

Topo Cyclone 2 (Gifted from Topo Athletic)

I have used Topo Cyclone 2 for a few kilometres, when I have reached at least 100km I will write a complete review about this shoes.

And, for the most expensive running shoes on the market (to date) I will talk about them in-depth in future newsletters!

Would you like to know my opinion on a specific pair of running shoes?

Reply me to this email with the name of the pair of shoes and maybe in future newsletters I will do a more specific review on the most requested shoes!

Road to Sub 1h20 update.

Last week's training block was ~70km:

  1. Monday: 40’ Easy (4:34min/km) + 5km tempo (3:50min/km)

  2. Tuesday: Rest

  3. Wednesday: 18km with x5 ON/OFF (ON 3:30min/km - OFF 4:30min/km)

  4. Thursday: 1h Easy

  5. Friday: 40’ Easy + 15’ Threshold

  6. Saturday: 50’ Easy

  7. Sunday: Long run 18km – I preferred to rest since I woke up with a severe sore throat and the weather was not the best.

My training week was supposed to be ~90km but I ended up with ~70km but its ok.

I just signed up for a half marathon on June 10th! In this period i feel in very good shape (hoping my sore throat will go away asap) but I don't think I'll be able to get sub 1h20, I would be very happy to end it in 1h22 / 1h23 since my current pr is 01:24:14 – I’ll keep you update!

Yes, for this race I will wear the most expensive running shoes! :)

From your new running mate that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed my first newsletter!

Talk to you next Monday!

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I’m incredibly grateful for this little newsletter and community of The Running Week. Thank you.

Matteo, your new running friend.


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