How To Practice Pacing WHILE YOU RUN!

I’m going to explore the art of pacing, how to listen to your body, and a fun game to help you become a smarter, more intuitive runner.

Quote of the week: “Fast running isn’t forced. You have to relax and let the run come out of you.” – Desiree Linden

Greetings, runners! 🌈 Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone in today's newsletter!

In today’s edition:

  1. How To Practice Pacing While You Run

  2. Sub 1.17h challenge update

Do you like this free newsletter? I would appreciate it if you take the time to help me spread the word by forwarding it to a friend or colleague! Or share the following link on your socials:

Let’s go!

How To Practice Pacing While You Run!

Let's dive into a topic that's crucial for every runner's success: pacing.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, mastering your pace can make all the difference in your running performance.

Today, I’m going to explore the art of pacing, how to listen to your body, and a fun game to help you become a smarter, more intuitive runner.

One of the biggest hurdles that many runners face is the belief that running is too hard.

However, more often than not, it's not running itself that's the issue — it's the pace at which we run. I'm here to debunk this myth and guide you towards a smarter approach to running.

Let's start by revisiting the 80/20 rule.

In a typical week of training, 80% of your runs should be easy, while the remaining 20% should be more challenging, pushing your limits and building strength.

Yet, many runners tend to overlook this balance, leading to overtraining and burnout.

Understanding your body's signals is key to becoming a smarter runner.

Learning when to fuel up, when to rest, and when to push your limits can significantly impact your performance.

That's why I'm introducing a fun game to help you hone your pacing skills and become more in tune with your body.

Here's how it works: Instead of immediately checking your GPS watch for your pace during your next run, take a moment to do a quick body scan.

Pay attention to your breathing, your posture, and how your legs feel. Then, make a guess at your pace before checking your watch.

This simple exercise encourages you to connect with your body and become more mindful of your running.

While GPS watches are great tools for tracking your runs, they can sometimes distract us from truly tuning into our bodies.

By incorporating this game into your routine, you'll develop a deeper awareness of your physical and mental state while running, leading to better performance and fewer injuries.

But pacing isn't just about running; it's a skill that translates into all areas of life.

Knowing when to push yourself and when to take a step back is invaluable, whether you're tackling a challenging project at work or nurturing a relationship.

So, the next time you lace up your shoes, give this game a try!

Guess your pace before checking your watch, and see how in tune you are with your body.

Share your experiences in the comments below — I can't wait to hear how it goes!

And remember, running is not just about speed, it's about enjoying the journey, listening to your body, and becoming the best runner you can be!

Talk soon!

Trivia Question: What is the term for the condition in which the muscles of the lower leg become inflamed and painful?

Find the answer at the end of this email.

Sub 1.17h challenge update

Last week's training block was ~71km:

  • Monday: 55min Easy + Gym

  • Tuesday: Gym

  • Wednesday: AM 20*(1"ON/1"OFF) + PM 40min Easy

  • Thursday: 50min Easy

  • Friday: Rest

  • Saturday: 45min Easy

  • Sunday: 45min Easy

  • Total training time: 06:47:25

Everything is going smooth, this week I’ll do the last speed session (20×400m) then I'll do mainly easy sessions till the race on April 21st!

Can’t wait to race! Thanks to everyone who is supporting me on Strava with a kudos or a comment! I feel your energy!


Just for Laughs 😂

Photo via _running_memes_ on IG

Trivia Answer: Shin splints.

Latest Editions

  • The Role of CREATINE for Runners (Link)

  • Taper Strategy for Best Marathon Results (Link)

  • The Surprising Benefits Of Morning Run (Link)

  • 5 Tips for Running Faster And Pain Free (Link)

  • To Fuel Long Runs Effectively (Link)

And at this link you can find all issues I written in the past!

Thanks for reading to the end. If you enjoy the Running Week I would appreciate it if you take the time to help me spread the word by forwarding it to a friend or colleague! Or share the following link on your socials:

From your running friend that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it!

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I’m incredibly grateful for this little newsletter and community of The Running Week. Thank you.

PS. Let's connect on Strava, here’s my profile

PPS. Happy Easter to everyone! 🐣

Matteo, your best-running friend.


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