Why Should You Run Twice a Day?

Today, I’m diving into the fascinating world of doubles — running twice a day.

Quote of the week: “To me, sweat is workout bliss.” – Brooke Burke-Charvet

It's Matteo here with another edition of The Running Week! ☕️

In today’s edition:

  1. The Power of Doubles: More than Just More Running

  2. Sub 1.17h challenge update

Before starts…

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The Power of Doubles: More than Just More Running

Today, I’m diving into the fascinating world of doubles — running twice a day.

I’ll explore the benefits, share some real-world examples, and touch on the holistic and spiritual aspects of this training technique.

Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or just looking to up your mileage, this issue has something for everyone.

Let’s start with the basics.

What exactly are doubles?

It’s simple: running twice in one day. But don’t let the simplicity fool you; the benefits are profound.

If you run an hour and a half in one go, you get one spike of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Split that into two 45-minute runs, and you get two spikes of HGH.

More HGH means better recovery and more muscle growth, making doubles a powerful tool in your training arsenal.

Who Should Run Doubles?

Doubles are best for runners who are already hitting the pavement five to seven days a week.

If you're running less than that, focus on increasing your frequency first.

For those already at a high frequency, doubles can be a game-changer.

The Benefits of Doubles

Reduced Injury Risk: Splitting a long run into two shorter runs decreases the strain on your body, reducing injury risk.

Increased Mileage: It’s easier to add a few miles each week by running twice a day rather than increasing the distance of each run.

Better Recovery: More frequent runs lead to more frequent HGH spikes, enhancing recovery.

Efficiency: You can fit shorter runs into your day more easily, making the most of your available time.

The Holistic Side of Doubles

Running doubles isn’t just about physical benefits. It also enhances your relationship with running and your overall well-being.

Running twice a day forces you to structure your day around your runs, promoting a healthier lifestyle.

You’re more likely to eat better, avoid unhealthy habits, and maximize your time.

Speaking of food, here you can find an article I wrote about the best foods to eat after a run!

How to Incorporate Doubles

Start small. Add a short, easy run to your day and gradually increase the distance. Listen to your body and adjust as needed.

Remember, the goal is to increase frequency and enjoy the process.

Final Thoughts

Embracing doubles can transform your running routine, making you stronger, faster, and healthier.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Remember, running is a journey, and every step counts!

Until next Monday, keep running strong!


PS. Remember to replying to this email with whatever you want even just an emoji is enough! This helps me to increase my email score and my emails will reach more runners!

Trivia Question: Running is one of the most popular exercises because it burns major calories while it tones your body. True or false?

Find the answer at the end of this email.

Sub 1.17h challenge update

  • Monday: Gym + Bike

  • Tuesday: Gym

  • Wednesday: Bike Intervals

  • Thursday: Gym

  • Friday: Bike

  • Saturday: Bike Intervals + Gym

  • Sunday: Gym

  • Total training time: 08:35:33

Another week without running…

However, I am happy with how I am managing to be consistent in going to the gym. Since last week I have started introducing interval training on the stationary bike to keep my heart as fit as possible.

While you are reading this email I will be back in Italy and staying for a couple of weeks, Thursday I have a visit from another professional physiotherapist and let's see what he says! Fingers crossed!

The pain in my shin seems to have gone away but as soon as I try to take a few running steps after 100 meters it starts to hurt again.

Let's stay strong and positive!

Talk to you on Monday.

PS. Thanks again to everyone who is replying to my emails with messages of support, I always read you all. ❤️

Just for Laughs 😂

The regrets! 😪🤬 Photo via therunningmemes on IG

Trivia Answer: True!

Running is considered one of the most popular exercises because it has the ability to burn a significant amount of calories while also toning the body. It is a high-intensity cardiovascular activity that engages multiple muscle groups, leading to increased calorie expenditure. Additionally, running helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen the lower body, and enhance overall endurance. Therefore, the statement that running burns major calories while toning the body is true.

Latest Editions

  • Heat Training for Runners: Is It Really Effective? (Link)

  • Running Shoe Rotations Explained (Link)

  • Runner's Overtraining Warning Signs (Link)

  • How To Improve Your Mile Time In 6 Weeks (Link)

  • 5 Reasons You Have a High Heart Rate When Running (Link)

And at this link you can find all issues I written in the past!

Thanks for reading to the end. If you enjoy the Running Week I would appreciate it if you take the time to help me spread the word by forwarding it to a friend or colleague! Or share the following link on your socials: https://therunningweek.com/

From your running friend that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it!

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I’m incredibly grateful for this little newsletter and community of The Running Week. Thank you.

PS. Let's connect on Strava, here’s my profile

Matteo, your best-running friend.


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